Laser Tattoo Removal

We use a Pico second laser (Candela PicoWay®) to remove tattoos from almost any area of the body and on most skin types. The laser incorporates three laser wavelengths (730nm, 1064nm, 532nm) to allow us to treat the majority of ink colors. The tattoo pigment absorbs the laser energy, fragmenting the dye. The body’s immune system then removes the shattered pigment over the next few months, leading to visible lightening of the tattoo.

Laser Tattoo Removal Benefits:

  • Local anesthetic can be used to reduce discomfort during procedure
  • Remove unwanted tattoos
  • Treats most ink colors
  • Works on most skin types


How many treatments are needed and how often?

The time required for a tattoo to fade depends on many factors such as the depth of penetration of the ink, the color of the ink, the density of the ink, the type of ink used, whether the tattoo was done by an amateur or professional, the patient’s immune system and skin type, and location of the tattoo. It may take between 6 to 10 treatments to achieve maximum resolution. In some cases, it may require more treatments depending on the factors listed above. Treatments are scheduled for at least 10-12 weeks apart.

How long does it take to see a difference?

It is not uncommon for it to take 6 months or more before there is significant fading. Most people that commit to this treatment need to be patient, persistent and committed to the long haul. Tattoos fade reliably but slowly.

What color tattoos respond best?

Most colors, except white can be treated.

Do all tattoos respond?

A non-professional tattoo may not respond to treatment. This is because it was probably placed at the wrong level in the skin where it may not be responsive to the laser light.

Is the treatment painful?

Yes, laser tattoo removal can be uncomfortable, but the treatment can be very quick if the tattoo is small. A local  anesthetic can be used if desired and this will make the procedure less uncomfortable.

What will it look like immediately after treatment and a few days later?

As the tattoo is treated with the laser, small white marks will appear all along the tattoo. These will go away  within a few minutes. Some bruising, redness and or swelling may occur over the next few days, and it is likely  that some crusting of the skin may occur.

How long does it take?

A tattoo that occupies approximately 2 inches by 2 inches will take 5 minutes to treat with the laser.

Who performs the treatment?

Tattoo treatments are administered by a physician or a nurse practitioner.

Other Important Information:

Pre-Treatment Instructions

Avoid sun/tanning for 2 weeks prior to treatment. Shave the area to be treated and remove all makeup or cosmetics prior to treatment.

Post-Treatment Instructions

Avoid sun/tanning for 2 weeks after the treatment.

Contraindications to Procedure

We cannot treat tattoos around the eyes or permanent makeup. Injectable lidocaine may not be used on digits (fingers or toes). We do not treat patients with a history of keloid scarring. We do not treat patients who are pregnant, diabetic, active infections, compromised immune systems, or have coagulation disorders.

Risk of Procedure

There is usually some discomfort during the procedure. Temporary redness or swelling immediately post treatment are also likely. Allergic reaction to the anesthetic used, possible allergic reaction to the initial dye used as it is released into the immune system, scabbing or crusting of the skin, scarring or changes in natural pigmentation of the skin are all possible side effects.

Contact Us

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*If you are a current customer and are looking to make changes to an upcoming appointment, please call or email our team directly.