MiraDry Underarm Sweat Treatment
Managing your underarm issues and the negative impact on your body, clothing, and self-confidence can be messy, time consuming, and costly. Now there is a solution!
miraDry® is the first and only non-invasive treatment to target and rupture underarm sweat/odor glands. FDA-cleared, miraDry treatment is done in the office and takes between one and 2 hours to perform. Call our friendly staff to set up a free initial consultation or schedule an appointment: 413-253-2214.
MiraDry Underarm Sweat Treatment Benefits:
- FDA-cleared
- Performed in the office
- Takes between one and two hours
- Little downtime
- Little discomfort
What is the miraDry® procedure?
The miraDry procedure is a safe, clinically proven, FDA-cleared solution for significantly reducing underarm sweat. The procedure is performed in your physician’s office.
How does miraDry work?
The miraDry system delivers precisely controlled electromagnetic energy to the region where the underarm sweat glands reside, which heats the sweat glands and eliminates them for good.
What happens during the miraDry procedure?
Your physician customizes the treatment for each underarm, based on where your sweat glands reside. The underarms are numbed prior to the procedure for your comfort. Your physician then holds the miraDry handpiece up to the underarms, which delivers energy to the sweat glands.
How long does the procedure take?
The procedure usually takes between one and two hours.
Does the procedure hurt?
Most patients experience little pain because the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. During the procedure, most people experience some pressure and light pulling on the skin, with some sensations of warmth. There may be an occasional “hot spot” that lasts briefly but is usually well tolerated. On average, patients describe the discomfort as about a 2 on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest).
How is miraDry different from other treatment options?
Alternative options, including antiperspirants and neurotoxins, aim to temporarily disable the sweat glands for varying lengths of time – requiring repeat treatments to maintain effectiveness. Other options involve surgery, which poses inherent risks. miraDry is the only treatment that provides lasting results in a non-invasive way.
What happens after the procedure?
You can expect minimal to no downtime after the procedure. Your physician will likely recommend a mild over-the-counter pain medication and the use of ice packs for a few days. You should be able to return to normal activities or work right after the procedure, and you can usually resume exercise within several days.
What results can I expect?
Most patients report a dramatic, lasting reduction of their underarm sweat. In a recent clinical study, the average underarm sweat reduction was 82%. You should notice a reduction in sweat immediately after treatment. As with any medical procedure, results will vary by person.
Are there side effects?
Some localized soreness or swelling is normal, and typically clears within a few weeks. Some patients have temporary, short-term altered sensation in the skin of their underarms or upper arms, which gradually disappears. You should talk with your miraDry physician about any potential side effects.
Do the underarm sweat glands ever grow back?
No. The underarm sweat glands don’t grow back or regenerate once they’ve been removed.
Are the results lasting?
Yes! Because the sweat glands don’t grow back, patients experience a significant and lasting reduction of underarm sweat.
But wait, don’t I need my underarm sweat glands?
Actually, no. Your body contains over four million sweat glands, and only about 1-2% of them are in your underarms. Eliminating this 1-2% does not affect your body’s ability to cool itself.
Does miraDry cause increased sweating in other parts of the body?
No. When sweat glands are removed from the underarms, you simply stop sweating in that area. So don’t worry – your body won’t start sweating more in other areas to “compensate” or anything like that.
Can miraDry remove sweat glands elsewhere on the body?
No. miraDry cannot be used to treat excessive sweating in other areas of the body, such as hands, feet, forehead, or knees.
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